Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Yeah, yeah, yeah...

I'm a terrible blogger these days!  What's happened since January of 2011?  Hmm...  I completed P90X two more times. 

I actually just started up again last week.  Last week was the first week of school around these parts, so what with that craziness starting up again, and Boy Pop's two (TWO!!!) fall baseball teams starting practices, homework that counts for a grade for the first time this year, and preparation for a black belt midterm and first degree black belt test for the Boy, PLUS my new job ramping up into high gear, I thought to myself, What better time to start a workout program that forces you to work out an hour or more six days per week???


My problem has never been that I can't do it.  My problem has been that I cannot figure out how to go from 60 to, say 45 or 35 after I've finished the marathon fitness program.  EVER. 

My normal method is to go from 0-60, work my ass off, quite literally, for three or four months, then take a break.  I always intend to get right back into it after a week or so off, but then that week turns into two, turns into a month, turns into Oh my HELL! What the? Where did my body go???

So.  For the first time in just about EVER of my adult life, I am going to go from 0-60 in the fall.  But I'm laying some ground rules for myself...

1) I'm cutting myself some slack.  For example, I *should* be doing Plyometrics right this moment, but I'm not.  I'm typing this instead.
2) I'm going to aim for better food intake and fewer late-night, right-before-bed snacks.  Just as a general rule.
3) This is the time of year when food temptation comes at me from all angles... The Boy's birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas.  I will not beat myself up if at the end of the next 12 (I started last week, remember) weeks, I do not lose down to my pre-summer, pre-beach bod.  I like food.  A lot.  I will enjoy it.  So there.
4) I will, at some point during this round of P90X, come up with a livable maintenance workout schedule.  I might possibly use one of my two expensive gym memberships, too!
5) I will keep the blog posted about what I do.

Ahh... Time to jump around.  Maybe I can go longer than 35 minutes today. :)