Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Down to a Month

Well, I've hit one goal in my quest to get ready for the beach. But, as I noticed on Saturday at the pool, I'm not nearly as toned as I want to be.

With 30 days left, my focus is on building lean muscle and toning my abs, ass, and arms. The three A's if you will.

I've made a commitment to do my ab program every day. So far, I've gone three days in a row (Sunday and Monday were my Ab Ripper 200 DVD and yesterday, I did the ab machines at the gym).

I've done cardio... LOTS of cardio. I think tonight I'll focus on strength and body toning and give the running a break.

My only problem this year is with food. I've been drinking the sludge. I've been adding protein. I have been saying "no" to fast food and most unhealthy choices. But I'm so hungry! I've been really bad in the evening hours... Last night I took a tortilla and spread shredded cheese on it and nuked it for 15 seconds, rolled it up, and devoured it. The night before, I had a peanut butter sandwich. Both of these things were after dinner. Ugh.

I'm in a weird place right now with the whole food thing. If I want to meet my goals, I need to eat right. But it is so darn boring! And I don't want to give up the bad stuff forever. But every time I indulge in something I know I shouldn't be eating, it seems I take a step backwards, even with the working out.

Yeah. I'm frustrated. But I'm frustrated for the future, not today. Once this trip is over, how am I going to handle life? Will I go back to my old ways? Will I stay on this path? One thing I do know for sure is that working out and meeting goals is a lot harder this year than it was last year. I'm not sure I can make any other choice than to continue and not turn into a slug for 8 months.

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