Monday, January 14, 2008

Dear Vending Machine,

It's time for a break.

It is not you, it's me.

It is not your fault that your owners fill you will Butterfingers, Pop Tarts, and cookies. It is my fault that I cannot resist feeding you a dollar so that I can punch the buttons to release the sweet, calorie-loaded goodness.

So I am breaking up with you for a while.

I need to think about my health. My body is craving fruits, vegetables, and healthy whole grains and all you can offer me is fat and calories.

Maybe one day we can be friends, but that day is not today. I'm still too vulnerable.

Mrs. Pop

So, uh, yeah. I'm getting in gear. The scale does not lie and this morning it told me a brutal and bitter truth. It's time to focus on my nutrition and exercise. I just got back on to track my calories, nutrients, and exercise.

I'm dusting off this blog to track my progress as well.

Wish me luck!

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