Monday, March 17, 2008


Two months and six days until "B" day (that would be bikini day)...

Last week, I went to the gym on Wednesday and Friday. I walked to the park and back with my boy on Tuesday. I walked/ran to the park and back by myself on Thursday. I shoveled poop yesterday. That counts, right?

I think I'm doing something wrong, though, and I cannot put my finger on it. I'm eating lots of fruits and veggies, mostly drinking that sludge, eating lean meats and low-sodium foods. I'm exercising 3 to 4 days a week and have been for a month or so now.

And yet... I look the same! If it's possible, I look bigger in places I shouldn't. I'm bloated. Maybe it's an instant-gratification mentality, but I want to see results! Like yesterday.

I'm still motiviated to keep going, but I feel pretty discouraged. Yes, I'm still snacking, but hell's bells! I've cut WAY back on Diet Coke, chips, candy, and cookies. A woman cannot live on lettuce alone.

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