Friday, March 09, 2007

Turbo Jam

I received notification that my Turbo Jam Maximum Results is on the way complete with resistance band and weighted gloves... :)

I've been walking to the park and back with my son for the past two days and running around the park. On Wednesday, I did the standing abs portion of Ab Jam, too. Today my obliques are still sore.

This evening, I won't be able to work out because I have a hair appointment. My last thought before falling asleep last night was that if I happen to wake up before my alarm, I will get out of bed and do Turbo Sculpt. Yeah. That didn't happen.

Tomorrow is Turbo Sculpt and a long walk/run for me.


Anonymous said...

I've managed to eat pretty well this week and have worked in walking a few miles a day. I'm not a gym kind of person and I have a hard time with videos. I've been walking on my lunch break with various co-workers and I've found it very enjoyable. A few more weeks of this and then we're going to start incorporating bike rides and trips to the gym.

emily said...

I did the CardioJam today. I really hated it until after the turbo part..then I finally got into it.

So...know what sucks about dieting. Being hungry. FYI.

Mrs Pop said...

it's the feeling of denial that sucks. as soon as you start saying you're going to stay away from the "bad" stuff, that's all you want and you're hungry all the time!!!

emily said...

I've heard that before and I decided not to really deny myself. If I want something, I'll have a small amount. That's what "they" say works. But just keeping the calories lower than usual is getting me.

That and the fact that The Man is really busy at work and I'm kinda lonely. Emotional eating, I suppose. Ah well..

Violet said...

Great job! You can do it! : )